Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Super Bowl Controversial Ads

The biggest platform for advertising is the Super Bowl in early February. This is where companies pay millions of dollars to have a thirty-second slot to sell their product or idea. It seems in recent years that it has been a competition to see which brand has the most memorable commercial.
This year there were a few controversial ads that caught some people's attention. These ads were seen by some as racy and offensive. However, the advertising firms described it as good publicity. The firms feel like if the commercial isn't attention grabbing, then no one will talk about it. Many people prior to the Super Bowl complained to the companies making the commercials that they were too offensive and shouldn't be shown to such a large audience. 
The two commercials most talked about are by car companies. Mercedes and VW both put out controversial ads. Volkswagen did one that some people would say is offensive to Jamaicans. Mercedes put a polarizing supermodel in their commercial that was seen as racy. Both the public and the companies have valid reasons to have the commercial aired or not, but in the end, money controls everything.

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